Doctor Prisoner centers around an ace doctor in a university hospital's emergency care center, a skilled professional who treats his patients with full devotion and without discrimination. However, his medical license gets suspended as a result of a medical malpractice incident that arises when the hospital board director causes a ruckus. He then gets his certificate as a medical internist and applies to work at a prison, where his plan is to cozy up to all the big-shots there-business tycoons, celebrities caught for doing drugs, sports stars guilty of gambling-and to win allies, with the ultimate goal of getting revenge against the hospital that ousted him. To do so, he'll get rid of the existing prison chief doctor and claim the spot for himself. 南宫珉饰演罗以帝,他是泰江医院应急医学中心的精英,医术高超,是一个不在意社会地位高低,绝不会忘记医生和患者的缘分的充满人性魅力的男人。 金炳哲饰演善闵植,他是监-狱医疗课长,是一个有着精英选民意识的课长。他家族的医疗界族谱可以追溯到已经过世的爷爷那辈,父亲的三兄弟也都是医生,因为父母的关系,大家都认为他早就预定了大学教授之位,但其实并不是。虽然自尊心很强,但实力跟不上,总是落后于同期们。 权娜拉饰演韩素锦,她是女子监-狱妇科负责人,是一名内科医生兼修精神科。活泼开朗,为了查明弟弟的死因而到监-狱医院精神科当志愿者。 该剧是讲述罗伊帝这名医生除去监-狱原医疗科长,自己成为新的医疗科长后,孤注一掷成长为掌控名牌大学医院理事会的医生的长成剧。 由《月桂树西装店的绅士们》黄仁赫导演执导,徐权基编剧执笔,预计接档《为何这样,奉尚先生》于3月播出